Sunday, February 12, 2012


I have felt a connection to my grandparents Ira and Sara Yardley for as long as I can remember.  I have always felt a great love for them and I have always wanted to make them proud of who I am.  This may not seem that unusual since they are my grandparents.   The unusual fact is that I have never met them.  Ira and Sara both died before I was born and for that matter before almost all of their grandchildren were born.  Although none of their grandchildren remember them, I don't think I am alone in saying that we still love them.  I have entitled this book "A Legacy of Love" because that is what they have left for us. 

Last summer an amazing thing happened in my family.  The last of Ira and Sara's grandchildren went through the temple and received their endowments.  All 24 of their grandchildren have been to the temple.  This is an amazing blessing and I don't think we did it alone.  I think we have ancestors up their in heaven who are watching over us and helping us get to where we need to be. 

I have felt like I need to make a book about my family history, but when I started to get all of the information I became overwhelmed and didn't know where to start or what to do.  After much pondering I have decided to start with a small book about Ira and Sara and their parents and their children.  When this is finished I hope I will be able to complete more.  I hope my children can know their ancestors through these books the way I feel I know them through the stories I have read and heard told.  I will always be grateful to them for the sacrifices that they made in their lives for the gospel.